LODGE OF PERFECTION: The 4th through 14th degrees are called Ineffable Degrees because their principal purpose is the investigation and contemplation of the ineffable name of the Deity. The degrees amplify the legend of the Master Mason degree and the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple. These degrees are designed to impress more forcefully the teachings of the first three degrees.
COUNCIL OF PRINCES OF JERUSALEM: The two historical degrees are the 15th degree and 16th degree. They cover the period from B.C. 538 to B.C. 516. These degrees depict events connected with the end of the Babylonian captivity of Israel, the return of some of the captives to Jerusalem, and the rebuilding of the Second Temple.
ROSE CROIX CHAPTER: The degrees of the Chapter of Rose Croix, consisting of the 17th through 18th degrees, invest the candidate with a deeper understanding of Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, and History. The intellectual challenges presented in these degrees can take years to master.
CONSISTORY: The Consistory Degrees illustrate the creation of the ideal balance between the spiritual and the temporal. Several of the degrees of the Consistory series, 19th to 32nd, further amplify the teachings of the previous degrees, others have the Crusades as a background.